It’s a great day, Family Life Assembly of God. I have some exciting news to share with everyone. We are going to have our first onsite service in over 2 months. We will be starting service on JUNE 7, 2020 at 10:00 A.M. It will be great to see many of you face to face again. We will continue to provide the service online. After meeting with the board and looking at guidelines from our state there will be some things that we will adhere to for the protection of everyone.

1) If you are not feeling well please do not attend
2) Do not attend if you are not comfortable being around others
3) We are not requiring face masks and gloves but feel free to wear them if you want
4) There will be greeters to open the doors to let you in and at the close of service so we minimize who is grabbing the handles
5) We are asking that there be no hand shaking or hugs of anyone
6) Families will sit together and every family practice the 6 foot Social Distancing protocol.
7) Ushers will escort you to seats to help in this manner
8) All kids will remain with parent/guardian for the entire service and try to keep restroom trips to a minimum. Adults please go with your child to the restroom.
9) We will have hand sanitizer outside the bathrooms and at the welcome center
10) Nothing will be handed out. No coffee or bulletins.
11) Offering baskets will be at the back of the sanctuary to drop your tithes and offering in on the way out or it can be mailed. Let me say how grateful I am for your faithfulness in giving.
12) There will be no Sunday School, KidLife or nursery until further notice
13) Please don’t gather together after service as you exit the building
14) Please don’t bring anything to share with others. If you need to transfer something do it outside.
15) We will disinfect the church as soon as possible after service

We will be doing communion on June 7 at 9:00 AM ONLINE ONLY. Gather your family together for a time of communion online and then come in to church by 10. We are doing it this way for protection right now and will let you know when we can change this.

Please help us in following these guidelines to help keep everyone safe and our community moving forward. I and the leadership want you to know that we love you and want to protect each one. We are looking forward to seeing you. Remember to do what is comfortable for you and your family. May God richly bless you and watch over you.

Lamoin Lytle